1st act: Setup

2nd act: Confrontation

3rd act: Resolution

Writing an act of a story involves crafting a self-contained unit within the larger narrative that advances the plot and develops the characters. Each act typically consists of a series of scenes that build upon each other to create tension and momentum.

  1. Define the Act's Purpose:
  2. Set the Act's Tone and Theme:
  3. Outline the Scenes:
  4. Develop the Protagonist's Journey:
  5. Introduce and Develop Supporting Characters:
  6. Increase Tension and Conflict:
  7. Incorporate Key Plot Points:
  8. Keep the Pacing alive:
  9. Reflect the Act's Purpose in the Ending:

<aside> 💡 Remember, each act should contribute to the overall story in a meaningful way. It should advance the plot, develop the characters, and explore themes. Keep in mind the act structure varies depending on the story's length and genre, but generally, each act should have a clear purpose and direction.
